I Know What You Did Last Year PT 1

Before you read: This is part one of a two-part post.

I finished my SPM in 2014 (which feels like a long time ago btw), and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I didn’t know what my ambition was and I don’t know what course to pursue. So naturally, my option would be TESL and Law, since I think I like doing those better compared to calculation and science. My UPU results came and I got Foundation in Law, which requires me to stay a semester in UiTM Shah Alam, and another in UiTM Dengkil (since Dengkil is not yet siap back then, but now if you get Asasi, you’ll go straight to wonderful Dengkil). Btw check out UiTM Dengkil’s website here. (so advanced right, the last time I was there we had to pave our own roads) Ok jk.

So anyway, I went to UiTM Shah Alam and got Kolej Mawar, and lemme tell u, it was horrendous. It was so bad that I could only recall bits and pieces of my memories there. My room faces the toilet and somewhat at the end of the semester, even got tikus at the pile of sampah. Those who know me would know that that’s a big NO. My room was on the ground floor, and my roommates and I sweated buckets because it was so hot. We had to shampoo our hair everyday hahah.

The distance from Mawar to the faculty is quite far, and you have to take a bus to go there (bus *G I believe; thanks BB). When the degree students came back from their holiday, the bus will be crammed with people, even at 7:45AM. (class starts at 8AM in Shah Alam) Your body will automatically know how to maneuver and clench, so that tak terlanggar with the boys #halalgap


The Faculty – and it’s stairs which gave us ample workout

I used to hate the guy in white 😛

I think the only good recollection I can get from UiTM SA is the food heaven called DC (I’m pretty sure it’s ‘Dataran Cendekia’.) Best gila because there’s so much variety of food, drinks and more food. But there also got tikus. Haih. But it’s okay no one died yet because of that (I think)

I tried finding pics of foods in DC but I think I lost it, but the burger stall near the Bank Islam ATM, if it’s still there, try it, because it’s damn good.

Anyhoo, it wasn’t until the end of the semester that I got close with some groups of lame people 😀


We studied during Raya because finals is after it (I’m not sure)


We slept in class because that’s what law students naturally do when the lecturer asks the question of “WHAT IS LAW?”


We finished loads of assignments with hatred, coffee and late nights.


I like this picture. It was the night before the final paper, and we had the alleged “Last Paper Syndrome” That is “Dont Be Lazy/Jangan Malas” written in Jawi hahaha.

Anyway, UiTM Shah Alam has some sort triggered the new personality that I have now. My parents threw me there and left to go eat soon after, leaving me completely homesick. Somehow, it taught me how to make friends, how to differentiate between good and bad friends, and how to mercilessly kill a cockroach with a slipper.

Till the next one, toodles.